Tuesday 2 August 2011

Sorry, sorry!

So I've been superbly slack at blogging of late. My house has needed my attention (we have redone the garden), kids are so busy and I've recently been looking at running a forum on the side.
Yesterday was a hard day for me. Out of nowhere I felt like I was hit with a truck and spent a fair while just sobbing that I missed Sophie and things are never easy (because really if I don't feel sorry for myself, who will?). The girls cuddled me for a while and Aiden went to bed at 5.30pm (Aiden is a terrible sleeper, some nights I can wake up and he's wandering quietly or lying on the lounge room floor silently playing with his hands. It scares the living shit out of you when you step over what you think is a toy and it grabs your leg.) so I figured while he was out to it the girls and I would make muffins.
I can remember being pregnant with Aiden so sure I would have a daughter. I used to talk to 'her' in utero, promising 'her' we would bake together and play dress ups and have fun girly days. When my 20 week scan came up I was shocked to learn 'she' was a he and spent the rest of my pregnancy panicking on how I would relate to a son. When I had the girls I made no such promises as I was panicking how I would manage triplets and a toddler alone. I figured now was as good a time as any to catch up on what we should of been doing for months.
My little ladies sat on the kitchen bench helping me measure, mix and taste test (Bella really enjoyed that part). We made 24 raspberry and pear muffins together and they had one each for dessert. Ben and I put them all to bed at 7pm and I figured I'll keep baking until Aiden wakes up.
Fast forward to 1am, 2 trays of pumpkin scones and 18 vegie muffins later (with a clean kitchen and all) I realised something. Aiden may actually sleep through, despite the early bedtime. I squished into bed next to Aiden and hoped for the best.
This morning I enjoyed an 8am wakeup thanks to Bella, Sienna and Ruby jumping on us and for once Aiden woke up refreshed in a good mood. We managed showers, breakfast and took the girls to my grandparents so Ben and I could take Aiden to play therapy.
Aiden had a great session where he pretended to drink from a teacup repeatedly, that a box was a car and then a plane, and then finished off with playing farm animals. It's a big step up from his first session where it took 5 minutes of us pretending to drink from a teacup for him to try once. It sounds silly but these are big things in this house.
Well I'm off to diffuse the fight that is naptime :)