Sunday 1 January 2012

I am uber neglectful. Oops.

So since September we have had a lot going on. 

In no particular order...

Aiden started an early intervention program 2 half days a week during the school calendar

Aiden has started speech therapy and met with an occupational therapist 
Daycare has changed directors, so Inclusion Support is finally getting involved

I turned 22

My gorgeous girls turned 2 (going on 16)

DH is enrolling in a Diploma of IT Networking

We have added to our household! We now have 2 ducks and 2 chickens that the kids love.

It was a busy and often stressful time for me, so I pulled away from people (online and in real life) and am finally in a position where I am starting to give back. 

I am hoping to do the 365 project (well really 366 this year) and to blog more often. 
I am an active member on two forums and on various FB groups. I want to start giving back, emotionally, mentally and physically to those who have given so much to us. 
I also want to take the time to learn more. I feel like I'm at this stale stage of my parenting which shamefully is yelling a lot. I need to learn to breathe more and that them putting noodles all over the couch isn't the end of the world. 
I need to trust myself more and follow their lead.
I need to nurture myself. For the last four years I have defined myself as a mother and then a wife. This needs to change. I need to find me.

In this last 12 months I have come along way. I have changed (for the better I hope) and I need to keep this going for all our sakes.