Sunday 26 June 2011

So I've been really lax with this blogging thing but in my defense I've been busy and then my darling children decided my keyboard and mouse were destined to die. No hope of blogging without those.
Today has been a very boring day of cleaning and childrearing, with a job interview thrown in the mix. I think I went well and hopefully I find out this week. Ben and I are both looking for work. Ben wants something full time and I'm after part time or casual work, I still want to be there for the kids as primary care giver. So lately it's been chaos with Red Nose Day (Amy and I are still yet to do the final tally), writing resumés and arguing with our real estate over a second house inspection in a month for no reason (well they won't give me one). So this week amongst Aiden's assessment, replacing our van's water pump and sorting out the last of RND, I have to scrub my house (apparently it must be immaculate and the gardens professionally done HA!).

Tonight I think I shall fold laundry while watching NCIS and maybe an early night. Tomorrow is Aiden's assessment and Ben has to replace the water pump so we will be flat out. I'll try and update tomorrow when we get home when everything is fresh in my mind.


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