Wednesday 29 June 2011

Today I was faced with a dilemma. I told my son's daycare that he is on the spectrum, awaiting official diagnosis from the paediatrician and that I would appreciate an open line of communication about his day. His group leader was great, really working with me and listening to what I had to say. She said she has been making allowances for Aiden for a while now, finding there are things he cannot and will not do and pushing them only ends in melt down. She told me she gently holds Aiden's face so he's forced to make eye contact, and has been telling off other staff for yelling at my son when doesn't listen or won't play with others.
Wait hang on, people are yelling at Aiden? For not sitting on the mat and playing with others when he's stressed? For not wanting to touch play dough? For getting over stimulated and scared so he has a meltdown? I get that it is frustrating sometimes but jesus, yelling at my 3 year old for things he can't help? The director refuses to accept that there's anything different about Aiden until a letter from the paeds is in her hand and until then (and I quote) 'we won't do special treatment'.
Aiden doesn't want anything fancy like a ferrari, he just wants help to cope with the world around him. If he was physically handicapped they'd be doing whatever was necessary in fear of me suing their asses if they didn't, but no, my son looks like every other 3 year old so he will be treated like one, despite needing assistance.
Do I keep him where he has just settled and put up with this bullshit or do I move him and make him start all over again?

Urgh they make me so mad. Well I'm off to nit comb my children's hair again as daycare will be checking their hair for eggs and if there is so much as one in any of their hair they have to all go home and I get to pay for another day of daycare they're being excluded from despite having no live nits /screams.

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